Lorenzo Twins
In 2012, Mark Abouzeid curated “The New New World” exhibition as a constructive response to the immediate crisis caused by racist attacks.
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence (2012)

In 2012, Mark Abouzeid curated “The New New World” exhibition in one of the most important art spaces in Florence, the Palazzo Vecchio. The exhibition was a constructive response to the immediate crisis caused by racist attacks in the city.

Taking inspiration from a series of famous portraits from Florentine museums, Abouzeid created portraits of modern cultural protagonists whose work mirrored in some way their Renaissance twins.

Figures of vital importance to Florentine History were reinterpreted while maintaining the style and feel of the original painting. The modern models were chosen from the different ethnic groups for their contribution to modern Florence.

The project was supported of The City of Florence, Comune di Firenze, Polo Museale di Firenze, Maggio Musicale di Firenze, Italia Kuwait Associazione, Sartoria Teatrale Fiorentina di Massimo Poli. The Renaissance Portraits integrated into the work were loaned by the Uffizzi Museum in Florence, Italy.

Although the collection has only been exhibited once, The collection has been featured in publications and websites around the globe including The Atlantic, Huffington Post, The Florentine, New European, The Daily Mail and Trend Hunters.

All costumes, props and backdrops for these portraits were created by hand. Non digital artistry was not used, instead master seamstresses and theater maekup artists used their knowledge of the period to create accurate replicas.